Social Security Death Index
National Archives
US Census Records - 1880
(Note: Nearly all searchable US Census Records are available only through paid subscriptions to and similar sites. I have no idea why, but as a taxpayer I feel cheated. The only totally free record I've found so far is this 1880 Census from |
UK (England, Scotland, Wales) - Census Records
UK (England, Scotland, Wales) - National Archives
Germany - Census Records
Germany - Various Records
Italy - Various Records
France - Various Records
Other Countries |
Ellis Island - Passenger Lists
- username: shawnee5
- password: 1234567890
Mayflower Passenger List #1
Mayflower Passenger List #2
Signers of the Declaration of Ind. #1
Signers of the Declaration of Ind. #2
England - Domesday Book (medieval census)
Medieval History Texts |